Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Learn The Causes Of Age

Cause Of Age.... 

Science has made ​​stunning discoveries in this area of ​​human interest, it is something we all want to know - can we slow down the aging process, we can live longer, if so, how? It is a very technical subject, too detailed to look at in depth in this article. But we can give you some powerful pointers to help slow down the aging process and increase your chances of a healthier old age. What determines your "age" Bio?


Our parents create assumptions that we believe at a young age that we live in a certain age. Come on specific dates in our subconscious that we have a predetermined life of 60-90 years. But there is no definite speed at which you get older, because we are all different so elegantly. Some people seem to look and act eternally young - fold timeless! Others, less fortunate, they look older than their age. Biological age our body is a reflection of our intellectual and spiritual journey through life. Under ideal conditions, our body can survive to the age of 125 years! Take a look at two very different lists below, the potential for aging when comparing such a significant difference in lifestyle.

The first person has all the attributes to significantly slow down the aging process and live to old age in good health.

Lifestyle Properties promote longevity:

Regularly in a pleasant exercise.

Comfortable and healthy career "stress tolerant.

Usually a happy relationship with her husband and children.

He is an active member of the community, enjoying many friendships.

Looking to learn new things and has a personal development.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet.

Dietary supplements with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Smile for the value and meaning of life.

If your life reflects these characteristics then you can have attributes which significantly slow down the aging process and increase your chances of getting accepted life in old age in good health.

Lifestyle characteristics, which are not considered, promote longevity:

Overweight or obese.

Inability to handle pressure.

Isolation - working and living alone, few friendships.

Opportunities for the poor and limited career.

Constant diet of nutritionally poor foods (junk food).

Eating too much food (comfort food).

Excess alcohol.

Smokes cigarettes.

Visit your doctor regularly for various diseases.

Ports rage, anger, fear.

Lack of purpose and self-esteem.

Lack of stability and routine.

If this list is like you, then you can be aging rapidly! It is time to take action and make some changes if you want to improve the quality of their years. This can be a difficult task, but so that lifestyle changes may be things one step at a time and in accordance with the development of new lifestyle - will notice a difference in the time, and your body, your friends and family will thank you for it.

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